Sunday, 30 August 2015

Featured at the 2015 Collective Illustration Exhibition “The Whole Truth in Light”
at the Casteliotissa Medieval Hall (Nicosia)
Snapshot from the 2014 Collective Exhibition “7th Annual Exhibition of Commencing Cypriot Artists” held at the Akamantis Exhibition Centre (Nicosia)

Sunday, 26 April 2015

Alternative Stuff / Digital & Traditional Representational

                         May I introduce you to my artistic alter ego, a gulf apart from my
                         contemporary stuff indeed. This post is dedicated to all things        
                         This one was painted during my first MA in Art History, Baroque 
                         infulences are profoundly obvious I guess! 
                                                            Photoshop CS4. 2012

   Photoshop CS5. 2013 / Those bad ass lions actually are free standing statues in-front of      
                                                               Nottingham's City Hall.

                             Here's a charcoal study I made prior to the digital final. 2013

I always had a soft spot for the transcending atmosphere of Winchester Cathedral. Finally, was given the chance to record the visual stimuli in detail. Photoshop CS5. 2014

         No muppet was hurt for the endeavours of this portrait. Charcoal on paper. 2014

                           Espionage, Los Alamos and cold war. Photoshop CS5. 2014

                            Now, this is an oldie... 2008!!! Charcoal on paper, bust study